Ghibli history

Ghibli was founded in 1968 by Piero Manzi and Maura Cioni. Over the years their passion for the high quality handbags and accessories production, allowed them to improve more and more, reaching international recognition.

Since the 80s Ghibli is specialized in the processing of symbols of luxury excellence: python and exotic materials. The great workforce of the company is to be located, in the most famous tuscany leather area district. In this region there are the best known tanneries in the world, the main leather’s suppliers of the most important luxury brands, where the fashion world starts and develops.

In 2000, thanks to an important national and international product positioning, the company has renewed and expanded its local, setting up in addition to the production area, a new department for the creation of the new colors, another one for their implementation.

Great satisfactions arrive in 2018. Ghibli celebrates 50 years of activity. From 1968 till now, the family company has evolved and grown up keeping up with the times, but has not lost the love for craftsmanship and for the family. By the way inside the company there is the 3° generations of Manzi’s family. Together with the workers, carry on with pride and security this reality, from half century, distinguishes itself for unique, high quality and luxury products. Without ever abandoning made in Italy.